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One World

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

Last night I watched the Documentary film, “American Factory” which won in the recent Oscars Award 2020 and got me reminded of this phrase, “… red, brown, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight…”

When I was a kid growing up in Sunday school, I love to sing the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children” and yet I do not quite understand why because it seemed to me that God favors the white ones than the colored ones. But right now that I am a little older… I have come to recognize that it is not really about what color, language, or race you are in rather what is inside your heart.

When the second World War ended in 1945, our world was divided into 3 major categories: the 1st world, 2nd, and 3rd. Then the Cold War began (1947-1991) along with the technological age. Both the 1st world & 2nd world countries were at the race for world supremacy of course at the expense of the 3rd world countries. Contributing to the production of more nuclear arms, chemical and biological weapons for massive destruction.

These countries were all preparing themselves for any possible nuclear, biological, chemical warfare/attack/threats or of any cataclysmic events. But by some means out of divine intervention the Cold War ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain. Somehow the Soviet Union under the leadership Mikhail Gorbachev 1985 realized that they cannot win the war while their economy was falling apart. They needed the western capitalist ideas and some liberties to regain from their sluggish economy. To mention among the few, civil rights and even religious freedom.

Freedom, however, is addictive. And soon like dominoes Eastern European nations, the Baltic States, and Central Asian States fell one by one and threw off their communist ideologies. The information age with its technological innovation is now on the rise.

China on the other hand though it remained a Socialist Republic somehow learned from the Great Chinese famine during the years 1959-1961 were tens of millions died of starvation. It paved the way to the termination of the Great Leap Forward campaign of Mao's regime and slowly opened up as a capitalist country but with a socialist market economy. China now ranks as the second largest in the world by nominal GDP and the largest in the world by purchasing power parity. Most likely because of their work ethics and ant-like mentality. Their workers are like soldiers, still working while others sleep… even under harsh conditions. The sleeping dragon probably now awakens.

At our present times the world is now divided or should I say categorized into 1) developed countries, 2) developing countries, and 3) under-developed counties. The race for world supremacy goes on. Moreover, in the name of science, they are pushing forward, spending billions or trillions, using the world’s resources in discovering alien life or finding possible planet/s capable of life like the earth. The earth’s moon is never enough. Most developed countries are pioneering genetic engineering or biological alterations to push the boundaries of human advancement and food production. One good example is the genetically modified tomatoes that we eat. You can do your own research. Why? When this will end?

Just think of the influenza virus that is continually mutating and speedily spreading across the globe. The African Swine Fever (ASF) problem will soon teach more Filipinos to eat rabbits. I just wonder if those are intended to sabotage a nation’s economy. Sooner or later we end up realizing we are the ones who are actually destroying our only planet and creating our own demise… on the positive note, if we learn to value life, to peacefully co-exist and set aside any racial biases, perhaps our world could still be a better place.

I believe there is evil and good in us that is continually battling in our humanness. No matter what color or race are you, there will always be bad guys and good guys in every culture or nation. There will be a narrow-minded person same as there will be an open-minded ones. At times our sinfulness drives us to become greedy… and sometimes in our nothingness we tend to love or even hate. Perhaps the question is, on what side will we be? And why are we doing such an act?

The American Factory documentary ends that by 2030 human labor/employment will soon be replaced with automation because of our robotics in the digital age. Sooner or later many people will lose their jobs.

Jesus the Christ said, "From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only (Matthew 24:32-36, ESV).” -rfblee, 02/14/2020

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